November 13 - FTSE 100 indicators since 1984
Average percentage change for this day: -0.176
Standard deviation : 1.077
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 9
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 7
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 28 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.409 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
94 , 57 and 223 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996
Yahoo European Business
EU closer to relaxing eurozone rules (
Data Shows 3Q Slowing in Euro-Zone Growth (AP)
Falling euro and crude boost continent (
Shares close at near 2-1/2 years on positive NY; BSkyB shines (AFP)
Eurozone growth prospects fade as France reveals flagging momentum (AFP)
U.S. Treasuries Rise, Track Eurozone (Reuters)
France joins Germany, Japan in economic slide (AFP)
French Economy Slows in Third Quarter (AP)
European stocks edge ahead in early deals (AFP)
Bright start for FTSE after BSkyB results (
Pressure builds in Europe for intervention to curb euro surge (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1985: Volcano kills thousands in Colombia
About 20,000 people are feared dead after a volcanic eruption in northern Colombia.
1995: Ecstasy pill puts party girl in coma
An 18-year-old student is on a life-support machine after taking an ecstasy tablet at her 18th birthday party.
1969: Quintuplets born at London hospital
Britain's first live quintuplets born this century make satisfactory progress at Queen Charlotte's maternity hospital in London.
1979: Times returns after year-long dispute
The Times newspaper is published for the first time in nearly a year.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 13
Average percentage change for this day: -0.176
Standard deviation : 1.077
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 9
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 7
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 28 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.409 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
94 , 57 and 223 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold | Silver | Platinum | Paladium | |
Avg. % change | 0.409 | 0.282 | 0.352 | -0.072 |
No. of times price has gone up | 15 | 13 | 13 | 3 |
No. of times price has gone down | 6 | 11 | 7 | 4 |
Standard deviation % change | 0.951 | 1.787 | 1.273 | 0.455 |
Yahoo European Business
EU closer to relaxing eurozone rules (
Data Shows 3Q Slowing in Euro-Zone Growth (AP)
Falling euro and crude boost continent (
Shares close at near 2-1/2 years on positive NY; BSkyB shines (AFP)
Eurozone growth prospects fade as France reveals flagging momentum (AFP)
U.S. Treasuries Rise, Track Eurozone (Reuters)
France joins Germany, Japan in economic slide (AFP)
French Economy Slows in Third Quarter (AP)
European stocks edge ahead in early deals (AFP)
Bright start for FTSE after BSkyB results (
Pressure builds in Europe for intervention to curb euro surge (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1985: Volcano kills thousands in Colombia
About 20,000 people are feared dead after a volcanic eruption in northern Colombia.
1995: Ecstasy pill puts party girl in coma
An 18-year-old student is on a life-support machine after taking an ecstasy tablet at her 18th birthday party.
1969: Quintuplets born at London hospital
Britain's first live quintuplets born this century make satisfactory progress at Queen Charlotte's maternity hospital in London.
1979: Times returns after year-long dispute
The Times newspaper is published for the first time in nearly a year.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 13
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