November 3 - FTSE 100 indicators since 1984
Average percentage change for this day: 0.001
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 6
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 7
Standard deviation : 1.303
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 118 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.153 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
145 , 191 and 135 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996
Yahoo European Business
Bank of England expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
Asian, European Markets Advance; Oil Up (AP)
German unemployment rises again threatening budget deficit (AFP)
European stocks gain as Bush takes lead (AFP)
Euro Stocks at 6-Month High on Bush View (Reuters)
Jobless numbers increase again in Germany (AFP)
European markets climb on strong Bush showing (
European Stocks Rally, Bonds Fall (Reuters)
EU agrees support for Iraq ahead of Allawi talks (AFP)
Business urges EU to act on gloomy reform report (AFP)
German retail sales continue to stagnate in third quarter (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1964: Election triumph for Lyndon B Johnson
Lyndon B Johnson, who took over after President Kennedy's assassination, wins the race to the White House.
1976: Carter wins with 'Trust me' slogan
Jimmy Carter is confirmed as the next President of the United States after a closely-fought contest which gave him 51% of the popular vote.
1957: Russians launch dog into space
The Soviet Union sends the first ever living creature into the cosmos aboard Sputnik II.
1975: North Sea oil begins to flow
The Queen has formally begun the operation of the UK's first oil pipeline at a £500,000 ceremony in Scotland.
1997: Angry truckers blockade French ports
Thousands of lorries are at a standstill in France as striking drivers form roadblocks around the country.
1985: Rainbow warrior plea controversy
Two French secret service agents have dramatically changed their pleas on charges relating to the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 3
Average percentage change for this day: 0.001
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 6
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 7
Standard deviation : 1.303
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 118 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.153 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
145 , 191 and 135 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold | Silver | Platinum | Paladium | |
Avg. % change | 0.153 | 0.119 | 0.015 | 0.038 |
No. of times price has gone up | 10 | 11 | 15 | 3 |
No. of times price has gone down | 10 | 11 | 5 | 2 |
Standard deviation % change | 1.155 | 1.242 | 1.234 | 0.485 |
Yahoo European Business
Bank of England expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
Asian, European Markets Advance; Oil Up (AP)
German unemployment rises again threatening budget deficit (AFP)
European stocks gain as Bush takes lead (AFP)
Euro Stocks at 6-Month High on Bush View (Reuters)
Jobless numbers increase again in Germany (AFP)
European markets climb on strong Bush showing (
European Stocks Rally, Bonds Fall (Reuters)
EU agrees support for Iraq ahead of Allawi talks (AFP)
Business urges EU to act on gloomy reform report (AFP)
German retail sales continue to stagnate in third quarter (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1964: Election triumph for Lyndon B Johnson
Lyndon B Johnson, who took over after President Kennedy's assassination, wins the race to the White House.
1976: Carter wins with 'Trust me' slogan
Jimmy Carter is confirmed as the next President of the United States after a closely-fought contest which gave him 51% of the popular vote.
1957: Russians launch dog into space
The Soviet Union sends the first ever living creature into the cosmos aboard Sputnik II.
1975: North Sea oil begins to flow
The Queen has formally begun the operation of the UK's first oil pipeline at a £500,000 ceremony in Scotland.
1997: Angry truckers blockade French ports
Thousands of lorries are at a standstill in France as striking drivers form roadblocks around the country.
1985: Rainbow warrior plea controversy
Two French secret service agents have dramatically changed their pleas on charges relating to the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 3
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