November 4 - FTSE 100 indicators since 1984
Average percentage change for this day: 0.065
Standard deviation : 1.404
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 10
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 4
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 98 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.187 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
151 , 94 and 95 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996
Yahoo European Business
Profit-taking seen on bourses after six-month high (
EU leaders convene for summit with Bush back in power (AFP)
Report: EU's Growth Strategy Off-Target (AP)
European Bank to Keep Interest Rates Same (AP)
Europe, Asia Markets Advance on Bush Win (AP)
BoE expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
Bank of England expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
German unemployment rises again threatening budget deficit (AFP)
European stocks gain as Bush takes lead (AFP)
Euro Stocks at 6-Month High on Bush View (Reuters)
Jobless numbers increase again in Germany (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1956: Soviet troops overrun Hungary
The Soviet air force bombs the Hungarian capital of Budapest and troops pour into the city in a massive dawn offensive.
1995: Israeli PM shot dead
The Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, is assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran
Militant Islamic students in Iran storm the US embassy in Tehran taking 90 people hostage.
1942: Rommel goes on the run at El Alamein
The German army in North Africa is in full retreat as the Eighth Army triumphs at the Egyptian town of El Alamein.
1992: Clinton beats Bush to the White House
Democrat Bill Clinton becomes the first baby-boomer United States president after he beats rival George Bush to the White House.
1980: Reagan beats Carter in landslide
Former Hollywood actor and Republican Ronald Reagan wins the US presidential elections by a huge majority.
1974: M62 bomber jailed for life
Judith Ward is convicted of an army coach bombing in which 12 people died.
Her conviction was quashed 18 years later.
1987: Millionaire's big plans for English landmark
Land's End in Cornwall has been sold for nearly £7m to the property tycoon, Peter de Savary.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 4
Average percentage change for this day: 0.065
Standard deviation : 1.404
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 10
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 4
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 98 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.187 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
151 , 94 and 95 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold | Silver | Platinum | Paladium | |
Avg. % change | 0.187 | 0.108 | 0.228 | 0.108 |
No. of times price has gone up | 13 | 12 | 13 | 4 |
No. of times price has gone down | 8 | 10 | 6 | 1 |
Standard deviation % change | 0.886 | 1.758 | 1.142 | 0.328 |
Yahoo European Business
Profit-taking seen on bourses after six-month high (
EU leaders convene for summit with Bush back in power (AFP)
Report: EU's Growth Strategy Off-Target (AP)
European Bank to Keep Interest Rates Same (AP)
Europe, Asia Markets Advance on Bush Win (AP)
BoE expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
Bank of England expected to keep interest rates on hold (AFP)
German unemployment rises again threatening budget deficit (AFP)
European stocks gain as Bush takes lead (AFP)
Euro Stocks at 6-Month High on Bush View (Reuters)
Jobless numbers increase again in Germany (AFP)
BBC - On This Day
1956: Soviet troops overrun Hungary
The Soviet air force bombs the Hungarian capital of Budapest and troops pour into the city in a massive dawn offensive.
1995: Israeli PM shot dead
The Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, is assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
1979: Militants storm US embassy in Tehran
Militant Islamic students in Iran storm the US embassy in Tehran taking 90 people hostage.
1942: Rommel goes on the run at El Alamein
The German army in North Africa is in full retreat as the Eighth Army triumphs at the Egyptian town of El Alamein.
1992: Clinton beats Bush to the White House
Democrat Bill Clinton becomes the first baby-boomer United States president after he beats rival George Bush to the White House.
1980: Reagan beats Carter in landslide
Former Hollywood actor and Republican Ronald Reagan wins the US presidential elections by a huge majority.
1974: M62 bomber jailed for life
Judith Ward is convicted of an army coach bombing in which 12 people died.
Her conviction was quashed 18 years later.
1987: Millionaire's big plans for English landmark
Land's End in Cornwall has been sold for nearly £7m to the property tycoon, Peter de Savary.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for November 4
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