UK Stock Market Almanac

Monday, March 14, 2005

March 14: FTSE100 Performance Analysis For This Day
Average percentage change for this day0.76 %
Standard deviation1.102
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 19842
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 198412

Metals data for today
Day ranking (out of 365)303359231250
Avg. % change-0.207%-0.928%-0.06%-0.114%
Standard deviation % change1.1813.5140.9630.827
No. of times price has gone up10 12112
No. of times price has gone down1111 93
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996

Yahoo European Business
European stocks mixed in early deals (AFP)
US not discouraged by Iran's rejection of anti-nuke incentives (AFP)
Germany Wants to Reduce EU Contributions (AP)
EU economic credibility at risk in fresh reform push (AFP)
Italy's deficit will exceed three percent limit: Prodi (AFP)
US, EU Launch Joint Carrot-And-Stick Iran Strategy (Reuters)
London Shares Are Higher (AP)
Intel, Oil Price Retreat Cheer Eurostocks (Reuters)
U.S. in Shift to Back EU on Iran Incentives (Reuters)
Shares slide, weighed down by weak oil and mining stocks (AFP)
Bank of England leaves key rate at 4.75 percent (AFP)

On this day
2000 Oil giant BP Amoco agreed to buy Burmah Castrol for £3bn.
2000 Shares in soared 40% on their first day of trading on the LSE to close at 487.5p (giving the stock a market cap of £750m).

BBC - On This Day
1991: Birmingham Six freed after 16 years
The Birmingham Six walk free from jail after their convictions for the murder of 21 people in two pubs are quashed by the Court of Appeal.
1984: Sinn Fein leader shot in street attack
Gunmen shoot and injure the Sinn Fein president, Gerry Adams, in an attack in central Belfast.
1964: Jack Ruby sentenced to death
Jack Ruby has been sentenced to death after being found guilty of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald.
1960: Radio telescope makes space history
The radio telescope at Jodrell Bank sets a new space record making contact with the American Pioneer V satellite at a distance of 407,000 miles.
1958: 'Bonny' Prince Albert of Monaco born
A celebratory 101-gun salute has been fired in Monaco after Princess Grace - formerly film star Grace Kelly - gave birth to a son.

Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for March 14


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