December 20 - FTSE 100 indicators since 1984
Average percentage change for this day: -0.036
Standard deviation : 0.975
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 6
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 8
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 168 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.057 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
209 , 151 and 251 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996
Yahoo European Business
It's down to a lack of interest (
A Strong Sterling -- And No Complaints (BusinessWeek Online)
European stock exchanges run out of steam at week's end (AFP)
European Stocks Ease (Reuters)
German Business Sentiment Rises in Dec. (AP)
Barroso warns EU leaders against doing Europe on the cheap (AFP)
Leading shares pare gains as Wall St. turns lower on weak oil stocks (AFP)
German Regulators Investigating Citigroup (AP)
Global Markets: European Stocks Rise (Reuters)
France and Germany escape EU deficit doghouse (AFP)
Europe Jittery on Turkish Membership (AP)
BBC - On This Day
1973: Spanish prime minister assassinated
The Spanish Prime Minister, Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco, is killed in a car bomb attack in Madrid.
1995: 'Divorce': Queen to Charles and Diana
The Queen has urged the Prince and Princess of Wales to seek "an early divorce".
1989: US forces oust General Noriega
President George Bush orders the invasion of Panama but US troops fail to capture dictator Manuel Noriega.
1979: Council tenants will have 'right to buy'
More than five million council house tenants in Britain are to be given the right to buy their home.
1981: Lifeboat crew missing after mission
A desperate search is underway for eight members of a life boat crew missing feared dead.
1955: Yugoslavia wins UN vote
The United Nations General Assembly elects Yugoslavia to the hotly-contested temporary seat on the Security Council.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for December 20
Average percentage change for this day: -0.036
Standard deviation : 0.975
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 6
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 8
Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 168 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average positive change in gold price , since 1970, of 0.057 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
209 , 151 and 251 respectively.
Metals data for today
Gold | Silver | Platinum | Paladium | |
Avg. % change | 0.057 | -0.045 | 0.11 | -0.115 |
No. of times price has gone up | 12 | 9 | 11 | 3 |
No. of times price has gone down | 9 | 12 | 7 | 2 |
Standard deviation % change | 1.15 | 1.34 | 1.013 | 0.761 |
Yahoo European Business
It's down to a lack of interest (
A Strong Sterling -- And No Complaints (BusinessWeek Online)
European stock exchanges run out of steam at week's end (AFP)
European Stocks Ease (Reuters)
German Business Sentiment Rises in Dec. (AP)
Barroso warns EU leaders against doing Europe on the cheap (AFP)
Leading shares pare gains as Wall St. turns lower on weak oil stocks (AFP)
German Regulators Investigating Citigroup (AP)
Global Markets: European Stocks Rise (Reuters)
France and Germany escape EU deficit doghouse (AFP)
Europe Jittery on Turkish Membership (AP)
BBC - On This Day
1973: Spanish prime minister assassinated
The Spanish Prime Minister, Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco, is killed in a car bomb attack in Madrid.
1995: 'Divorce': Queen to Charles and Diana
The Queen has urged the Prince and Princess of Wales to seek "an early divorce".
1989: US forces oust General Noriega
President George Bush orders the invasion of Panama but US troops fail to capture dictator Manuel Noriega.
1979: Council tenants will have 'right to buy'
More than five million council house tenants in Britain are to be given the right to buy their home.
1981: Lifeboat crew missing after mission
A desperate search is underway for eight members of a life boat crew missing feared dead.
1955: Yugoslavia wins UN vote
The United Nations General Assembly elects Yugoslavia to the hotly-contested temporary seat on the Security Council.
Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for December 20
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