UK Stock Market Almanac

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

December 1 - FTSE 100 indicators since 1984
Average percentage change for this day: 0.131
Standard deviation : 1.52
No. of times the FTSE has gone down today since 1984: 5
No. of times FTSE has gone up today since 1984: 7

Out of 366 days in a year (including leap years), today is ranked 202 in gold price percentage change performance, with an average negative change in gold price , since 1970, of -0.014 percent.
The day rankings for silver , platinum and paladium are
121 , 253 and 198 respectively.

Metals data for today
Avg. % change-0.0140.214-0.1-0.031
No. of times price has gone up11 15102
No. of times price has gone down89 103
Standard deviation % change0.7822.0191.0920.531
Gold:since 1970, Silver : 1970, Platinum: 1976, Paladium: 1996

Yahoo European Business
Shares close in red on weak US confidence data (AFP)
European stocks lose early gains (AFP)
German Recovery to Grow at Slower Pace (AP)
Economic Group Trims Forecast, Citing Oil (AP)
Global Markets: Shares Steady on GDP Data (Reuters)
European Shares Drop, Weighed by Compass (Reuters)
British growth to hit 2.5 percent in 2005, rates may rise: OECD (AFP)
Eurozone recovery struggles as monetary union fails to yield results: OECD (AFP)
Dollar little moved against euro as US reiterates belief in 'strong dollar'(AFP)
Euro Eclipse of Dollar Ruffles Bank Chief (AP)
Shares close firmer, but well off highs, as Wall Street slumps (AFP)

BBC - On This Day
1990: Tunnel links UK and Europe
Britain and France are joined for the first time in thousands of years as the last wall of rock separating two halves of the Channel Tunnel is removed.
1943: Allies united after Teheran conference
Winston Churchill, President Franklin D Roosevelt and Marshall Joseph Stalin make their first joint declaration against the Axis Powers.
1973: Israel's founding father dies
Israel's flags fly at half-mast after former Israeli statesmen David Ben-Gurion dies.
1986: Surprise inquiry into Guinness affairs
Guinness shares plunge by £300m as the government order an inquiry into the affairs of the company.
1965: Sweeping changes to British farming
The government puts forward a plan to improve the lot of both farmers and consumers by encouraging intensive farming.

Wikipedia On This Day
Wikipedia entry for December 1


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